Dan Hendey, Education Manager of the PA Recreation & Park Society, and Ann Toole, of Toole Recreation Planning visited Lions Pride Park for Pennsylvania Recreation & Parks magazine. Here's what they had to say:
For this year’s Park and Recreation Professionals Day commemoration, Niki Tourscher and I traveled to Lions Pride Park in Warrington, Pennsylvania, for a spotlight event. I had heard about Lions Pride Park but didn’t know what to expect. Needless to say, I was blown away by the park.
Located on the site of a former day camp, the community has transformed this tired area into a unique, magical public facility that is exciting, engaging, inclusive and environmentally sustainable. Created from a shared vision of the local Lions Club, Warrington Township and local school students, the park is a model of accessibility and intergenerational use.
To raise funds, the Township and the Lions Club needed a top-notch design to generate excitement and support. They retained Viridian Landscape Studio™️ to transform the ideas of the elementary school students and the public into an exciting accessible public play space unique to Warrington, one that would become a center piece of community life for people of all ages and abilities. Viridian rose to the challenge and exceeded all expectations.